Workplace Injuries

We have procedural operational plans in place with all Hospitals regarding:

  • Priority emergencies

  • Correct document procedures

  • Follow up examinations

  • Facilitating of drug testing

We cover all types of IOD’s, and handle all paperwork. We are directly involved with Workman’s’ Compensation to ensure that all claims are dealt with speedily and effectively. This is a core focus area as companies strive to offer their employees an A to Z service that takes care of any emergency/injury that may occur whilst on duty. We utilize the new “Umehluko” system that replaced the old claims process on the 1st August 2014, ensuring that we have the latest training and knowledge when it comes to IOD uploads and claims. We are in affiliation with COID Consult, a consulting firm that assists employers with the use of the new Umehluko system to ensure swift and prompt claims processes and uploads, with other various services such as TTD claims. We assist the employer to the best of our ability to offer a greater and complete service. We work with all hospital and Medical Centre groups to assist the employer with their sick and injured employee/s.

We also offer First Aid, Fire and Safety training to companies and supply First Aid kits to enable companies to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (84 of 1996).