Medical Emergencies

Our team responds to medical or trauma related illness or injury. We are contracted to ALL Medical Aids in the event of an emergency. If you are unsure if your medical aid will cover the treatment and transportation of yourself or your loved one, contact our control centre and they will advise you of your best solution forward. If you are not on any Medical Aid Scheme, you will still be able to make use of Gardmed’s services; you will receive a discounted private account once you have been transported to the nearest medical facility.
A few of our Emergencies will include the following:
Any Medical or Trauma injury
Asthmatic Attacks
Bites & Stings
Cardiac Cases (Heart related illnesses and injury)
Gynaecological Emergencies
Head & Neck Injuries
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Severe allergic reactions
Spinal Injuries
Patients Transported Since 1996